What we do:
We buy everything from a vacant 5 acre parcel all the way up to a 100 acre farm.
You can KEEP the house.
You can KEEP the Barn.
You can KEEP the back 40.
It’s all up to YOU.
We are a local land investment company that buys and sells land throughout Middle Tennessee. We purchase anywhere from 5 - 100 acres of a land owners property at fair market value for the portion ( or all ) of the land the owner desires to sell. This often times is unwanted or unused portions of a family farm. We partner with the land owner to help them choose what portion they want to sell and what portion to keep. We pay ALL COST associated with the transaction. This is including but not limited to the survey, soil scientist, legal, closing and recording.
Typically, we can CASH a land owner out within 45 days.